Features of the Waverley Basketball Association are:
The competition seasons at the Waverley Basketball Association are a Summer Season and a Winter Season
Both seasons have different cut-off dates. For their summer season this date is the 31st of December and their Winter season is the 30th of June both for the year that the season commences in. This is why the Waverley Association is third on our preferences for competitions to enter our teams into. This structure means teams potentially change every six months and administratively is a nightmare for both us and parents,
Both seasons run for about 15 rounds plus finals. The first three games of the season are used for grading before match points and ladders begin to be accumulated and compiled.
Currently, the Association plays their competitions out of several venues. These are:-
Waverley Basketball Stadium, Batesford Road, Chadstone.
Oakleigh Recreation Centre, Park Road, Oakleigh.
Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre, 8 Warner Avenue, Ashburton.
Ashburton Primary School, 10 Fakenham Road, Ashburton.
These are the venues listed on the Waverley Basketball Association Website from two years ago.
There are several costs, as there are at most Associations:-
PlayHQ/BV Registration Fee: You pay this fee when you register at the commencement of every season. This comprises a fee to register with the Association and Basketball Victoria. Currently, this fee sits at $35.00
Waverley Season Entry/ Registration Fee: The Association currently charges a $120.00 registration fee for each team for them to enter their competitions.
Weekly Match Fees: Every time we play a game, the Association charges us a match fee for those games. The BMBA invoices you for a season which covers these fees. We are then invoiced by the Southern Basketball Association for those match fees. This current season these costs are currently $80.00 per match.
Door Entry Fees: The Association incorporate door entry fees into their weekly match fees.
PLEASE NOTE NONE OF THESE ARE BMBA FEES. They are all Southern Basketball Association fees that we need to cover to enter and play in their competitions.
For the next season (Winter 2023) Age Groups are in two-year gaps for both boys and girls, with a cut-off date of the 30th of June 2023. So for the 2023 Winter season, the age groups will be as below
U10 Age Group: Born after 30th June 2014
U12 Age Group: Born between 30th June 2012 and 30th June 2014
U14 BoysAge Group: Born between 30th June 2010 and 30th June 2011
U16 Age Group: Born between 30th of June 2008 and 30th of June 2009
U18 Age Group: Born between 30th of June 2006 and 30th of June 2008
These dates change for their summer season, which makes entering teams to ensure development harder to manage.
Waverley Basketball Association, like the McKinnon Basketball Association, also implement the “Sin Bin” rule which gives us concerns for our players, parents and coaches.
Another policy with which we strongly disagree is their points system for rep players. While this won’t impact our teams, to begin with, it very may well do so as the BMBA program grows. The system is confusing and we believe discriminatory as it awards extra points if a player isn’t considered a “homegrown player”. This doesn’t exist at other Associations.