On Wednesday the 22nd of June, we enjoyed the enormous privilege of conducting a basketball clinic with some very keen students at Westall Secondary College. We ran two sessions for both boys and girls from years 7, 8 & 9. We were extremely impressed with the potential we saw and were excited at the prospect of how that potential could be developed with some proper coaching through a more thorough training program, which is what the BMBA is all about.
At the conclusion of the clinic all the participants were handed a flyer with information about the BMBA.
This website page is designed to complement that flyer and provide you with answers to questions that you may have as a parent while also providing other avenues for you to ask even more questions more directly.
Our hope is that enough interest will be generated to conduct after school training sessions, form teams and have your son/daughter playing in competition basketball.
If we have generated some interest in your son/daughter about the game then it will be very easy to follow up to have them engage more fully. If this is the case for your child and you wish to follow up on today’s clinic, then read the below to decide what suits you the best.
Over the holidays we had some expression of interest for an U16 Boys team at the Southern Basketball Association. When we received this interest we decided to enter a team and go all out to recruit players. If you are born in either 2007 or 2008 then you could play in this age group which is conducted at venues in Cheltenham and Mentone.
The Southern Basketball Association has a strong and deep domestic competition.
They are starting a new Spring competition this Saturday, the 16th of July. If we can recruit enough players interested (we would need at least six players, preferably seven to form a team) we can then get a team u and running for this season. We meet with interested boys on Wednesday 13th of July at the school. If you were one of these boys or are just another boy born in 2007 or 2008 and are interested in playing then please CLICK HERE and complete the online registration form and we will get the ball rolling on player registrations, uniforms, communications, training etc.
For boys and girls not involved in this age group another option we will be pursuing will be to conduct after-school training throughout term three at Westall SC and look to form and enter a team or two into the McKinnon Basketball Association’s Summer domestic competition which starts in Term Four. The McKinnon Basketball Association operates very similarly to the SOuthern Basketball Association and operates from venues throughout the city of Glen Eira. Another option could be the Waverley Basketball Association. All these competitions would be between a 15 and 20 minute drive away for players and their families.
In preparing players and teams through term three, we will be able to work through the benefits and cons of each competition before deciding where to enter teams
To register for term three after-school training at Westall CLICK HERE or scroll to the bottom of this page and complete our online form there.
Finally, your son/daughter may not be ready yet to join a team for competition or may lack the confidence to do so. That is fine, we are more than prepared to just train players interested in the game and work with them to build their skill level and confidence through after-school training. To register just CLICK HERE or scroll to the bottom of this page and complete our online form there.
Would you like more information before deciding on what to do? Then we have the perfect thing. We have been holding zoom Q and A meetings every Monday and Friday evening for interested people to get online and find out more directly from us. You can register for these meetings by CLICKING HERE
CONTACT EMAIL: bob_mann@bmba.net.au
CONTACT MOBILE: 0490 823 400